Overnight Index Swap (OIS) valuation


This pages illustrates valuation of the Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) using the calculations are by the QuantLib open source library but with our data-oriented wrappings.

OIS on “risk-free rate” (which may be calculated from secured or unsecured very short term lending) now form the primary swaps market, supplanting the older market in swaps on the unsecured multi-month inter-bank term deposit rates. OIS swap quotes are a good base for estimating long term borrowing costs where there is now credit risk.

The Yield Curve Data

We use a selection of data from the yield curve build in Yield Curves example. In the data-oriented approach the yield curve is represented by the nodes of its interpolated definition:

rates dates yieldcurvetypes
0 0.048907 2021-02-03 PiecewiseFlatForward
1 0.048907 2023-03-22 PiecewiseFlatForward
2 0.049469 2023-08-22 PiecewiseFlatForward
3 0.051948 2024-02-22 PiecewiseFlatForward
4 0.049211 2026-02-23 PiecewiseFlatForward
5 0.047156 2028-02-22 PiecewiseFlatForward

The Overnight Index Swap contract definition

The contract is defined by the following data:

startDate notional fixedRate index schedule fixedDC
0 2021-02-03 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-03] Actual360


The yield curve and the contract definition can be used in the valueOIS call to calculate the present-day value (note the new column “NPV”):

startDate notional fixedRate index schedule fixedDC NPV
0 2021-02-03 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-03] Actual360 495899.695491

By segmenting and distributing the ois definition and yield curve definition tables using Apache Spark or related system it is possible to compute quickly the results of millions of risk-scenarios for swap valuations and store those results in easy to use and interpret database-like stores which can be analysed standard business tools include BI tools and excel. The example below shows valuation of 60 OIS of 1-year duration with starting dates on consequtive business dayss in 2021: the results are ready in the table and can be loaded into Microsoft Excel directly from Azure. (The yield curve is the same as above and rooted to the same date so the OIS are rolling forward on the curve)

startDate notional fixedRate index schedule fixedDC NPV
0 2021-02-03 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-03] Actual360 495899.695491
1 2021-02-04 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-04] Actual360 497522.974204
2 2021-02-05 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-07] Actual360 502401.179683
3 2021-02-08 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-08] Actual360 504030.036594
4 2021-02-09 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-02-09] Actual360 505660.287033
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58 2021-04-27 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-04-27] Actual360 635342.145565
59 2021-04-28 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-04-28] Actual360 637079.838797
60 2021-04-29 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-04-29] Actual360 638818.893533
61 2021-04-30 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-05-02] Actual360 644044.222755
62 2021-05-03 100000000.0 0.045 Sofr [2021-02-03, 2022-05-03] Actual360 645788.719493

63 rows × 7 columns

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